OK this picture was taken slyly by David who sat behind me on the very long flight to Rwanda! What in the world was I doing+0-9^$ and where is the question mark on this computer!@@#$$%^&**
Meet Bahran who is 85 and a man with an amazing history.
Boy I miss everyone in the US. Amy Thank you for that AMAZING DINNER.
best wishes to Bahran!
Thanks alot for this moment
Vraiment c'est trop impressionante
Hey great shot! Was there drool too? Too funny.
Your web site lovesimplyhappens is awesome. You've got the journalistic eye that any couple would be grateful to have. lovesimplyhappens is a great name too. You're going places, literally, with your talents. lovesimplyhappens, easy to remember
sherrlyn, i pray everything will go well in the congo. if anyone can show the plight of the people suffering such hardships, it's you. elliot misses you!
sherrlyn, i pray that you trip will be safe & rewarding. if anyone can show the plight of these suffering people, it's you. elliot says he misses you!
That sure beats having to get up every half hour and walk the aisle to exercise those hips! Hope you weren't dreaming of coming back home just yet! How many photos have you taken so far?
Gary from Philly
Good luck to you!! Kevin and I will be thinking about you and can't wait to hear all about your trip! Are you one of those people who can sleep ANYWHERE? Great shot ; )
Love, Clare K.
Hello Sherlynn, So happy to hear you are in the Congo and in the flow- your intentions are opening all the serendipity to assist you in your journey. We ho;d you in love and light, Robin
Hello Sherrlyn, So glad to hear you are in the Congo and in the flow- your intentions will bring all serendipity to your journey. We hold you in love and light, Robin
I just now saw these comments months later. Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and support!
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