What are Ethical Diamonds and How Do You Find One? Why choose rocks for your wedding that are mined ethically?
It's a no brainer that you want to begin your new life together doing GOOD. So be sure and check out the link below. The ring above is a Brilliant Earth classic wedding diamond.
When you choose diamonds or other "rocks" that have been mined with a fair and conscientious standard you help prevent the raping of the earth, dictatorial militarization of whole societies (which usually includes the rape of women) and provide fair and just wages to those in need. So check out.... http://www.brilliantearth.com/about_products to learn about wedding diamonds.
Oh my, some have suggested that as a "wedding" photographer I should probably not talk about "politics" but you know I've always been a photojournalist and whether it's photographing in Iraq, photographing a wedding in Mexico, or Oregon I will always be a photojournalist. Those that want "real" will find me.
Hey my first page of my new website is up please stop by and check it out. http://www.BorkgrenPhoto.net
Capturing the heart and soul of your wedding day. Sherrlyn Borkgren Photography